I been working as a programmer for over 8 years and like computer games. Therefore I did quit my old job and are now focusing on creating a computer game.
To finance my own product I’m looking for work as a consultant. So if you are in need of a programmer send me an email on christoffer[at]hindelid.com. Check my LinkedIn page for more info about my experience and previous assignments.
Name: Christoffer Hindelid
Born: 1981
Skills: Programming, Snowboarding and mowing the lawn.
Job: Indie game developer 🙂
Email: christoffer[at]hindelid.com
Twitter: @chrizdekok
I AM GOD of my own game. The beauty of programming where you actually are the God of the world that you are creating. #gamedev #programming
— christoffer hindelid (@chrizdekok) September 25, 2015